Post-interview process
Imagine you’ve just had a perfect job interview. You successfully expressed your abilities and experience and answered all questions with ease and precision. The interviewer is clearly impressed and you feel that your performance has been convincing enough. What next? What should you do? Should you stop all your efforts and stay beside your phone waiting for their call? Well, most experts don’t suggest that. They would recommend a more proactive approach. Generally, managers get their thoughts organized in two or three days so they can have time to analyze everything while the interview is still fresh in their minds. If it took longer, make a phone call to the company and – in case the receptionist wanted to take or redirect your message – tell them you only speak directly to your interviewer. Ask her/him if the position is still open and if it is, ask if you’re still under consideration. If they couldn’t offer a specific date, ask them if it’s ok to call them again later. It’s very important to remain polite the entire time and express your gratitude for the time they are giving you.